Join The Libertarian Party of California for instant membership to the State party plus the Libertarian Party of Alameda County (or your county affiliate) -- all for as little as $25/year!
You are not required to be a Party Member to register as a Libertarian on your voter registration, nor is it required to join if you want to vote for a Libertarian in an election. As a Party Member, you provide valuable support our local outreach, advocacy and local libertarian candidates.
If you would like to join the Libertarian Party, you can do so at the national level: The Libertarian Party, and at the state level: The Libertarian Party of California. You can choose to join either or both.
To be a delegate at the Libertarian National Committee Conventions, one must be a member, in good standing, with their State party (Libertarian Party of California) AND National party (The Libertarian Party). Note: National membership does not include State or County membership).
Membership Links
Join Alameda County AND Libertarian Party of California:
Join National, California AND Alameda County Libertarian Party (unified membership)