December 2020 - Meeting Minutes

Libertarian Party of Alameda County

Online Business Meeting -  December 10, 2020


Attendees: Michelle Ellison, Jim Eyer, John Ferrero, Betz Stump, Terry Floyd, Darren Gill


Treasurer’s Report, Michelle will be putting this together, and send it to the [email protected] tomorrow. She will also include information about the foster youth donation campaign. Betz will promote this campaign on our Facebook page.


Elections to be held February 11, 2021. Must be announced in end of year December newsletter to be sent to the Jo Jorgensen volunteer list. Location TBD.


Will get newsletter out next week.


Jim asked if we will have a January meeting? If public health restrictions allow in-person meeting, this would be preferable, if possible, weather permitting. Betz’s house is available. If not, we will meet virtually.


Darren Gill made a motion to adjourn. Adjourned meeting at 8:145 p.m.