Midterms are Approaching!2022 is an exciting year for the LPAC! Building off of our strong 2020 election results and excitement generated over the 2021 Newsom recall, we have candidates positioned to win and make real change in their communities, including our very own At-Large Executive Committee member and former Secretary Michael Lema, who is running for Hayward City Council (more information on his candidacy below). We firmly believe that to make real change, we need to win locally and build up a base of freedom in our immediate communities, and our candidates are doing the work to make that happen! However, our candidates cannot do this by themselves. We need passionate Libertarians to volunteer their time, donate, and get involved. If there is a cause you are especially passionate about getting involved in (or if you are interested in running for office in 2022), email [email protected], however clicking the button below and letting us know how you can help would be extremely helpful. Upcoming Events:March Meet And Greet: Join the Libertarian Party of Alameda County on the second Friday of March (March 11'th) for our monthly meet and greet! If you want to learn more about libertarianism, the Libertarian Party, or just what we're doing, come out! Please bring enough cash to cover your own food & drink as there will not be separate checks. The event will be hosted at World of Beers in Dublin!
LP California Quarterly Business Meeting (In Hayward!): The next state Libertarian Party quarterly business meeting will be held in Alameda County on March 19'th! It will be at the Salvation Army in Haward. Anyone may attend to weigh in on the future of our state LP, learn more about state activities, or just observe the proceedings. In addition, Michael Lema, a Libertarian running with a clear shot of victory, will be holding a fundraiser dinner that night. Learn more at https://www.lema4hayward.us/march_fundraiser
April Quarterly Business Meeting! Join the Libertarian Party of Alameda County on the second Thursday of April (April 14'th) for our quarterly business meeting! The Executive Committee will be there to update everybody about the progress of the party and vote on plans for the future. Everybody is invited to weigh in, and liberty advocates from around the county (and perhaps even beyond) will be there to help guide our next quarter! Get your membership today to vote on central committee propositions.
National LP Convention! The next national Libertarian Party convention will be held nearby in Reno, Nevada, at the Nugget Casino Resort from May 26 to May 29, 2022. Anyone may attend the convention, but to participate as a voting delegate, you must be a member in good standing of the national Libertarian Party or of the Libertarian Party of California, be a registered Libertarian Party voter, and be nominated and approved at the Libertarian Party of California convention or by the LPC Executive Committee (all at least 90 days before the convention).To register for the national LP convention, go to the Convention Registration Link at the national LP website. To join the national LP, go to their website. Donate 2022!At the start of this year, the LPAC launched our newest yearly fundraising initiative: 2022. To capitalize on the momentum that libertarian activists have built in our county over the last few years, we need funds to take on the duopoly and turn interest into election victories. Our yearly goal is to have 22 people donate $20 a month and raise $5,000 for our candidates and outreach in this election cycle and beyond. Unfortunately, politics is still a rigged game, but every donation helps us level the playing field and advance liberty in your community! Please donate and remember to switch the kind to monthly! Annual Officer ElectionsIn January, the LPAC held our first quarterly business meeting of the year and held our annual officer elections. The full meeting minutes will be available in April, after they have been approved at our next business meeting, but our new Executive Committee members have taken their seats! John Ferrero and Betz Stump will keep fighting for liberty by leading our party as Chair and Vice-Chair, Theodore Gercken won election to be our new Secretary has (leaving his former position as At-Large), Michelle Ellison will continue to serve as our Treasurer, but Graham Brown has been elected to train under her and replace her sometime this year, Jim Eyer and Michael Lema will continue serving as an At-Large member, and Victoria Lapacek won election to join our team as our newest At-Large member!
Those pictured above are (from left to right) Graham Brown, Theodore Gercken, John Ferrero, Michael Lema, Victoria Lapacek, and Elizabeth Stump 2022 California LP ConventionOur members had a great time attending the Libertarian Party of California annual convention in Long Beach (February 19-20), speaking to the convention, and voting on critical issues facing our state party. Additionally, our leaders stole the stage! Michael Lema, an At-Large member on our Executive Committee, was elected to the LP California State Executive Committee, and Victoria Lapacek, a new At-Large member of our Executive Committee, was elected to be an alternate. Betz Stump, our Vice-Chair, will continue serving as an At-Large member. Scholarship ProgramAt the LPAC January quarterly business meeting, our Executive Committee approved a scholarship program for High School students in Alameda County. Students can submit a video or essay answering the question, "How should a Libertarian government respond to a local or state political controversy of your choosing?" The essay contest will award a first-place $1,500 prize, and a second-place $500 prize and the video contest will award a first-place $1,000 prize and a second-place $300 prize. Entries must be submitted by May 31'st to [email protected]. Stand Against War!Unfortunately, the world once again finds itself on the brink of war. When Russia's dictator Vladamir Putin invaded Ukraine, he violated the rights of millions of peaceful individuals exercising their right to self-determination. And while the LPAC, and all true libertarians across the country, stand unambiguously with Ukraine in the defense of their sovereign soil and the fight for their lives, we must recognize that this is not our war. No matter how much the military contractors or war-hawks in D.C. would like a second Afghanistan, we must stand firm in our own defense. There is no appropriate time for a land war in Europe; there is no appropriate time for hundreds of thousands of Americans to die in defense of another nation; there is no appropriate time for tyranny in the name of safety. Americans and libertarians stand for Ukraine and against war. Michael Lema For HaywardMichael Lema, our own At-Large Executive Committee Member, is our leading 2022 candidate. He announced his candidacy for Hayward City Council late last year, coordinated charity efforts such as our toy drive, and is starting to work with existing leaders to improve Hayward, even out of office! Finding success in polls and drawing a clear pathway to victory, he has picked up the support of the Libertarian Party of California and the LPCA Candidate Support Committee in his journey to city hall.Michael embodies our mission to win local, improve the lives of Americans with libertarian policies, and work our way up. He has pledged to get kids back to school, end mask and quarantine mandates, and work with the community, not against it, when it comes to policing, including creating a neighborhood watch program. These are local, winnable, libertarian issues, and his success is reflecting that; already, his candidacy has broken our candidate fundraising record and web traffic goalposts. If you want to get involved, the campaign needs volunteers and donors! In addition, Michael will be holding a fundraiser dinner after the California Libertarian Party Business Meeting in Hayward on March 19'th. Make sure to buy a ticket at https://www.lema4hayward.us/march_fundraiser
Calling All Student Libertarians!The future of the liberty movement is already here! Across the country, young Americans are pushing back against the narratives pushed by older generations, Republicrats, and (unfortunately) some schools and teachers. Recognizing that today's high schoolers and college students are the LP's future, the Libertarian Youth Caucus (LYC) is organizing and coordinating these students into powerful groups operating on campuses across the country. The LYC seeks not just to spread the message of liberty to America's youth but to cultivate future leaders and candidates for the Libertarian Party. Their members go out into the world with party connections, knowledge of actual campaigns, and the toolset to start channeling their ideals into real-world action.
If you are interested in starting or joining a local LYC chapter, email [email protected].
@lpalamedacounty is our handle on all platforms |