October 2021 - Meeting Minutes

Thursday October 14, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
Monaghan’s Restaurant, Oakland CA

Meeting Purpose:
- Quarterly business meeting to address business matters for the previous calendar quarter, upcoming calendar quarter and beyond.

- Peter Schoewe (member), Megan Timberlake (guest), Michelle Ellison (treasurer), Terry Floyd (member), Teddy Gercken (executive committee), Calvin Lu (member), Victoria Lapacek (guest), Mikey Lema (secretary), Spencer Von Glahn (guest), John Ferrero (chairperson), Betz Stump (Vice Chairperson), Jim Eyer (executive committee).

Previous Meeting Minutes:
- Approved by unanimous consent.

1. Call to Order 7:14 p.m.
2. Approve or Amend Agenda – 2 minutes, Lead: Chairperson
3. Overview of Robert’s Rules as they Affect our Meetings – 10 Minutes, Lead: Jim Eyer
4. Review/Approve Meeting Minutes from previous Meeting – 5 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
5. Chairperson’s Report – 3 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
6. Treasurer’s Report – 2 Minutes, Lead: Michelle Ellison
7. Social Media/Web Report – 5 Minutes, Lead: Teddy Gerkan
8. Mikey Report Regarding Candidacy – 5 Minutes, Lead: Mikey Lema
9. Opportunities for Local Office – 5 Minutes, Lead: Betz Stump
10. Opportunities for Outreach – 5 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
11. Membership Drive – 10 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
12. Upcoming Meetings Schedule – 5 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson13. Action Items – 7 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
14. Other New Business – 10 Minutes, Lead: Chairperson
15. Adjourn

Treasurer’s Report Summary:
- Regarding the Wine and Liberty event, gross revenues were $2,950 and expenses were $830.59 for a net of $2,119.41. The current bank balance is $4,001. A credit – related to an incorrect charge to the account – of $862.96 is due. So, the actual balance would be $4,864.46. From that amount $391.20 for Wine and Liberty related expenses would be deducted for a balance of $4,473.2 See Treasurer’s full report, attached, for details.

Existing/Outstanding Business:
- There was no existing/outstanding business.

New Business:
- Jim Eyer provided an overview of meeting process including Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Michelle Ellison (treasurer) reported Wine and Liberty event related expenses (to be reimbursed) of $391.20. See Treasurer’s full report, attached, for details. Reimbursement was approved.
- Mikey Lema described his candidacy for City Council in Fremont and successes so far including setting up for FPPC compliance. Mikey contends that he is in a winnable race. Mikey is also considering specific issues to address as a candidate such as more flexible inner city school transfers so students can attend the school of their choice. He is also looking for opportunities for LPAC members to get involved in their community.
- Betz Stump (Vice Chair) provided members with a spreadsheet that includes ways to get involved with local governance as a commission or advisory board member. These do not require being election. Theycould serve as a “steppingstone” to elective office locally. An endorsement of Mikey Lema was agreed to by unanimous consent.
- It was suggested that the LPAC has an offline Zoom conference to discuss possible ways to take advantage of voter data and the listing of opportunities to get involve with local government.
- Michelle Ellison and Jim Eyer gave a brief overview of a proposed guide to FPPC compliance, for other
LPC county affiliates.
- The schedule for upcoming meetings was developed (see below).
- Outreach opportunities are still too uncertain regarding COVID-19 to plan for outreach events next year.

Business Matters Tabled or Postponed:
- No business items were tabled or postponed.

Action Items:
- Jim Eyer – Create county- and city-specific PDF files for “opportunities to get involved” tabs in spreadsheet created by Betz Stump. Place them on web site and create links to them for the newsletter.
- Betz Stump – confirm that we can hold non-business meeting at Buffalo Bill’s.
- Jim Eyer – Create four newsletter articles: 1) ways to get involved, 2) membership drive, 3) upcoming meetings including annual business and officer elections meeting and 4) state and national LP conventions.
- Jim Eyer – Create draft meeting minutes for Mikey Lema.
- Terry Floyd – Produce a newsletter ASAP.
- Jim Eyer and Teddy Gercken – Coordinate regarding use of Nationbuilder web system so Jim can assist
with content development and maintenance.
- Jim Eyer and Teddy Gercken – Coordinate regarding use of development of libertarian positions content
for Nationbuilder.
- Mikey Lema organize and tell LPAC about volunteer opportunities such as cleanups and toy drives. Team – Set up Zoom meeting to discuss ways to address a membership drive such as reaching out people with lapsed membership.

Upcoming Meetings: 
- Thursday November 11th, 2021, non-business meeting. World of Beer, Dublin, 7:00.
- Thursday December 9th, 2021, non-business meeting. Buffalo Bill’s, Hayward, 7:00.
- Thursday January 14th, 2022, business meeting and officer elections. Monaghan’s in Oakland, 7:00.

LPAC Treasurer’s Report:


Mechanics’ Bank Checking Account
Current Balance as of 10/13/2021 = $4,001.50
Forthcoming Credits = $862.96
Reversal of Check #3374 = $595.22 (not our check, incorrectly charged to wrong account)
Reversal of Debit 8/27/21 = $267.74 (Bargain Mugs custom glassware order cancelled)
Expense Reimbursement Request = $391.20
Michelle Ellison: Wine & Liberty (food, beverages, dryclean LPAC linens)
Expense report reviewed/approved by Executive Committee 10/14/2021
Payment processed 10/15/2021 (Check #0153)
15th Annual Wine & Liberty Event Summary
This event will be reported to FPPC in our January 2022 Semi-annual Report. Michelle (LPAC Treasurer)
will reach out to all In-kind donors (e.g., raffle/auction items, t-shirts, food/beverage, other) to complete
Donation Forms (required as backup for reporting purposes.
Net Revenue (After Expenses) = $2,119.41
Revenue Detail
Event Tickets $1,430.00
Raffle Tickets 170.00
Wine Tickets 155.00
Auction Proceeds 1,195.00
Total Revenue = $ 2,950.00
Expense Detail
Food, Beverage & Supplies $ 263.20
Westover Wine & Glasses 375.00*
Dry Cleaning (LPAC Linens) 128.00
Square Transaction Fees 64.39
Total Expenses = $ 830.59**
Guest Summary
VIP Wine Tasting 20
Regular Wine Tasting 14
Adult No Wine Tasting 8
Special Friends (free) 11 Bill, Kelly, Ronin, Imhofsf, Olga, Palo, Hops, Pickles, Meat Loaf, Daisy
Total Guests = 53
*Wine Tickets redeemed (575 x $1) and Westover Wine Glasses (24 x $3) = $674 total, less donation for
10% of wine bottles purchased ($18), additional discount by Bill Smyth ($254).
Paid Bill Smyth in full $375 on 10/03/2021 (cash payment from event proceeds).
**Does not include charge of $267 paid for qty 60 custom W&L Wineglasses; vendor unable to fulfill
order, will credit full amount to our Mechanics Bank checking account.