Libertarian Party of Alameda County
November 14, 2019
Meeting was called to order by LPAC Chair John Ferrero at 7:23 p.m.
Treasurer - Secretary swap. Michelle Ellison has assumed the office of Treasurer and Terry Floyd has taken the office of Secretary. Michelle has filed our Form 430 with the FPPC and we have a registration number for our county central committee. The current bank account balance stands at $2,987.42. Betz Stump submitted expenses for the past two months’ activities for $514.41. Anticipated new expenses for the next quarter include obtaining a new mailbox to change the mailing address for the LPAC. Our next FPPC filing is due on January 31, 2020.
Annual Officer Elections. The LPAC will hold our officer elections at the January 9, 2020 meeting, probably to be at The Englander Pub. Such elections must be conducted at least 30 days before state convention which has to be held in February now, thanks to the legislature moving our Presidential Primary to March 2020 instead of June as it has been in the past.
Operational Expenses. John requested that all expenses must be approved in advance to simplify budgeting and FPPC reporting. Fortunately, recent purchases can be re-used over and over for outreach events (LED lights, flags, banners, etc.). The committee approved expenditures for renting new the mailbox and any costs incurred to print checks with our new address.
Social Media Update. Betz Stump reported that we had 608 posts this week on Facebook, possibly due to our cross-posting of Gavin Newsom recall information to other groups. She is working on setting up an Instagram feed that she hopes to launch in the new year.
NationBuilder Website. Betz has also been cross-posting events from Facebook to the Nationbuilder website and has updated our officer profiles per above changes. There are now 30 podcasts listed on our page. Once the FPPC data is updated, we’ll be able to integrate our Square credit card service and Mechanic’s Bank account into the site to accept credit card donations. Action Item for Ken DeLong is to work with John to somehow link our Twilio documents to NationBuilder. Also need to post photos from Wine & Liberty event and Festival of Lights parade.
The number of voters registered as Libertarian is up 14% this year, and Alameda County alone has 4% more registered Libertarian voters than in 2018.
State Party News LPC Convention will be held in Los Angeles over February 14-16, 2020, Valentines Day weekend. An Executive Committee meeting and Candidate Support Committee fundraising event was held last week in Southern California. John purchased a case of wine from Westover that was donated to the fundraiser.
Proposed 2020 Priorities. Do we want to do the Art&Soul festival next year (July)? Jim said he would prefer having smaller meet & greet events that are easier to organize. Suggested events besides a
Art & Soul are the Dublin St. Patrick’s Day booth/parade March 14-15, 2020. Cost is $100 for parade participation or $25 for an outreach booth. The deadline for entry is in January. Also, Castro Valley Pride is mid-July on a Saturday, and would be a good outreach opportunity ($65 for non-profit booths). Other events to plan are the Oakland Pride event in September, and the Light parade in November. Social events (ski trip, rafting/camping and summer BBQ) can be planned with more flexibility. We’ll try to book the Westover for the 1st Sunday in October 2020 for Wine & Liberty. Michelle suggested we continue to work with YAL at Calapalooza and Junior Statesmen of California events.
Our next meeting will be held on 12/12/2019. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.