July 2021 - Meeting Minutes

Libertarian Party of Alameda County

Monaghan's, 2820 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602

Meeting - In Person


Attendees: Jim Eyer, Michelle Eyer, John Ferrero, Betz Stump, Terry Floyd, Richard Fast, Adrian Malagon,
Kevin Moore, Chris Minoletti, Calvin Lu, James Pagano, Michael Lema, Theodore Gercken.


Vice Chair Report:

July 16th, Hewitt fundraiser from 6-9pm at Westover Winery, motion to have LPAC cover the costs of drinks up to $100 was seconded and passed unanimously. Access to event will be at 4pm for volunteers and will be there until 9 Pm, need clean up crew. We will
be providing chairs and tables and supplies for outreach. Volunteer link was added to Everbrite for the Hewitt fundraiser. The LPAC voted on nay for the Alameda County fair. Wine and Liberty festival is tentative for late September early October.


Treasures Report:

Plan for the rest of the year for events, create a calendar. Current account balance $2,197. Nation Builder is most recent deposit from donations, $266. We are expected a $770 to be returned to the account after a bank error. 2 expenses upcoming, renewal for nation builder ($570) motion passed and Renewal for domain name. ($130) for 5 years, motion passed.. Debit card set up for county, Contra Costa and Alameda need to clear up banking issues in the near future.


Secretary report:

Tabling in Fremont for local farmers market, tentatively planned for 07/24. We will be hosting a food and toiletry drive at the farmers market for the non profit “Feed my Sheep” looking for deodorant, shaving cream, shampoo, toothbrushes etc. Money is always welcomed as well.


Social Media Report:

Theodore voted in as Social Media Coordinator. Instagram is our most popular as far for engagements. LPAC needs to focus on turning engagements into followers.

Open Forum:

Kevin Moore talked about upcoming events in Oroville, needs help with text banking for Hewitt Campaign. Adrian Malagon spoke about events in the future as well.



Meeting Adjourned 9:47pm