Thursday January 13, 2022, 7:30 p.m.
Monaghan’s Restaurant, Oakland CA
Meeting Purpose:
A meeting to a) discuss future plans for the Libertarian Party of Alameda County (LPAC), b)
take votes on actions needing Executive Committee approval, and c) elect a new Executive
Committee for 2022.
Present Executive Committee Members:
John Ferrero (Chair)
Elizabeth Stump (Vice-Chair)
Michael Lema (Secretary)
Jim Eyer (At Large)
Theodore Gercken (At Large).
Absent Executive Committee Members:
Michelle Ellison (Secretary)
Darren Gill (At-Large).
(As Submitted By Mr. Eyer and approved by Mr. Ferrero, the LPAC chair)
1. Call to Order - 1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
2. Approve or Amend Minutes - 2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
3. Overview of Roberts Rules - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer
4. Chairperson's Report - 3 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
5. Treasurer’s Report - 2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer
6. Social Media/Web Report - 2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken
7. Mikey Report Regarding Candidacy - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Lema
8. Scholarship Program - 5 Minutes, Lead: Ms. Stump
9. Finalize Interim Logo - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer
10. Upcoming Meetings Schedule - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
11. Existing Action Items - 5 Minutes, Lead Mr. Ferrero
12. New Buisness - 15 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
13. New Action Items - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
14. Officers Election - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
15. New Chairperson’s Agenda - 5 Minutes, Lead: New Chairperson
16. Adjournment
Call to Order:
(2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Mr. Ferrero called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
(1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
The meeting minutes for the previous meeting, as posted on the website by Mr. Gercken, were
adopted with unanimous consent.
Overview of Roberts Rules:
(7 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Mr. Eyer refreshed the committee on proper operating procedure and distributed Roberts Rules
of Order cheat sheets.
Chairperson’s Report:
(2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Mr. Ferrero discussed his plans for the LPAC and in particular, his strategy to build up
infrastructure to promote candidates such as Mr. Lema.
Treasurer’s Report:
(1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Ms. Ellison was not present so a treasurer’s report was not presented. Mr. Eyer said that she
would send out a report before the next meeting.
Social Media/Web Report:
(5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken)
Mr. Gercken discussed strategies for LPAC social media and his plans for increasing engagement
in 2022.
Mikey Report Regarding Candidacy:
(5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Lema)
Mr. Lema discussed his campaign’s December events and how LPAC members could help to get
him elected.
Scholarship Program:
(5 Minutes, Lead: Ms. Stump)
Ms. Stump discussed a potential scholarship program to encourage High School students to
submit libertarian essays or videos for monetary prizes. The program, and the corresponding
spending, was approved with unanimous consent.
Finalize Interum Logo:
(3 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer)
Mr. Eyer discussed changes he would like made to the LPAC logo. The matter was tabled
without a vote with unanimous consent.
Upcoming Meeting Schedules:
(2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
The next social meet and greet was scheduled for Friday, February 11’th at Pacific Pour House in
Union City.
Existing Action Items:
(2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
All outstanding action items were determined to be complete.
New Business:
(2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
There was no new business.
New Action Items:
(5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Committee members volunteered for tasks but no formal action items were assigned.
Officers Elections:
(3 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
A slate of officers proposed by Mr. Eyer were approved by unanimous consent (Chair: Mr.
Ferrero, Vice-Chair: Ms. Stump, Secretary: Mr. Gercken, Treasurer: Ms. Ellison, At-Large: Mr.
Eyer, At-Large: Mr. Lema, At-Large: Ms. Lapacek).
Mr. Ferrero adjourned the meeting with unanimous consent.