Libertarian Party of Alameda County
Online Business Meeting - January 14, 2021
Attendees: Betz Stump, Jim Eyer, Terry Floyd, Michelle Ellison
Treasurer’s Report
LPAC Checking Account Balance as of 01/14/2021 = $2,737.89
Anticipated Revenue
2020 end-of-year dues sharing from Libertarian Party of California ($ value unknown)
No other revenue expected at this time.
Anticipated Expenses
We currently have no outstanding debts.
Our only recurring expenses are NationBuilder (July) and Mailbox (November).
No other expenses budgeted at this time (pending formalized annual outreach and event program after election of officers in February).
My current focus is completing our annual state FPPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission) reporting.
Our Mechanics Bank Online access shows both the Contra Costa and Alameda County accounts (they are separate accounts, but I think this is a legacy issue from when Terry was Treasurer for both counties so he had access to both with a single login). Since each county now has it’s own treasurer, I have talked to Mechanics bank and will follow up with Contra Costa to ensure their account is fully separate from Alameda’s.
In anticipation of the upcoming election officers in February: I am willing to continue serving as Treasurer, should it please the membership.
Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Ellison, Treasurer
Libertarian Party of Alameda County