Thursday April 14, 2022, 7:30 p.m.
Monaghan’s Restaurant, Oakland CA
Meeting Purpose:
A meeting to a) discuss future plans for the Libertarian Party of Alameda County (LPAC) and b) take votes on actions needing Executive Committee approval.
Present Executive Committee Members:
John Ferrero (Chair),
Elizabeth Stump (Vice-Chair),
Theodore Gercken (Secretary),
Michelle Ellison (Treasurer),
Jim Eyer (At Large),
Michael Lema (At Large) (8:08).
Absent Executive Committee Members:
Victoria Lapacek (At Large).
(As Submitted By Mr. Eyer and approved by Mr. Ferrero, the LPAC chair)
1. Call to Order - 1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
2. Approve or Amend Agenda - 3 Minutes, Mr. Ferrero
3. Approve or Amend Minutes - 2 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken
4. Chairperson's Report - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
5. Treasurer’s Report - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer
6. Social Media/Web Report - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken
7. Mikey Report Regarding Candidacy - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Lema
8. Scholarship Program - 5 Minutes, Lead: Ms. Stump
9. LPAC Logo - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer
10. New Buisness - 15 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
11. New Action Items - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
12. Upcoming Meetings Schedule - 5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero
13. Adjournment
Call to Order:
(1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Mr. Ferrero called the meeting to order at 7:38 PM and asked Mr. Gercken to hold an attendance roll-call.
Approve or Amend Agenda:
(6 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Motion - Mr. Gercken moved to replace the agenda item “Mikey Report Regarding Candidacy” with “Defeat The Mandates” led by Mr. Kula.
The agenda was amended by a unanimous vote. Mr. Ferrero ruled that the committee would follow small board rules in Roberts Rules.
Motion - Mr. Gercken moved to adopt the agenda as amended.
The agenda was adopted by a unanimous vote.
Approve or Amend Minutes:
(4 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken)
Motion - Mr. Gercken moved to approve the minutes as posted on the website by Mr. Gercken.
The meeting minutes were adopted with unanimous consent.
Chairperson’s Report:
(1 Minute, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Mr. Ferrero discussed his plans for the LPAC and, in particular, his want to comprehensively discuss supporting candidates in 2022 during the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
(7 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Ms. Ellison presented a treasurers report detailing the revenue and losses of the party. The key areas of revenue were California LP dues sharing and web donations. She recommended assembling a yearly budget and transitioning Mr. Brown into the treasurer role by the end of the summer.
Motion - Ms. Ellison moved to authorize Ms. Stump as a secondary officer on the bank account.
The motion was approved with a unanimous vote. Ms. Ellison requested that Mr. Gercken create a letterhead with our logo, address, FPPC letters, website, officers (and their emails), and signatures from himself and Mr. Ferrero.
Social Media/Web Report:
(3 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Gercken)
Mr. Gercken reported that web metrics are increasing especially areas of interests such as the Scholarship page. He discussed his plans to keep those metrics growing and direct peoples towards actionable pages.
Defeat The Mandates:
(10 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Kula)
Mr. Kula discussed an organization that he has been working with to put public pressure on local governments to end vaccine and mask mandates for private organizations and public spaces. He proposed using the color green (and especially green ribbons) to be worn to show support for such actions. He shared that he had gotten a table in LA with Medical Freedom LA to pass out ribbons and engage in activism. Michael Lema joined the meeting at 8:08 PM.
Scholarship Program:
(15 Minutes, Lead: Ms. Stump)
Ms. Stump discussed the launch of the scholarship program. She shared that the press release was sent to all the high school councilors in Alameda County and print, radio, and TV news stations. She reported that there were zero current applications and the deadline is May 31’st. Ms. Ellison asked for more youth organizations be put as resources on the website page and that a separate email blast be sent out.
LPAC Logo:
(12 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Eyer)
Motion - Theodore Gercken moved that “Libertarian Party” and “of Alameda County” be the same size but different fonts, that the color scheme be blue and yellow, that the slogan be “maximum freedom, minimum government”, and that the torch of liberty be used, for the LPAC’s logo request to the designer.
The motion was approved with a unanimous vote.
New Business:
(16 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Ms. Stump reported that she sent in an application for boothing at the Rivertown Downtown but that the application was denied but that Castro Valley Pride, Art and Soul, and Hayward Downtown are coming up and the LPAC should apply to booth there. Mr. Lema requested that the LPAC help the Contra Costa LP with boothing and Mr. Ferrero told him to let him know what help was needed on what dates.
The committee discussed who would be attending the National LP convention. Mr. Lema left the meeting at 8:49 pm.
Mr. Kula discussed his write-in campaign for Assembly District 18. He requested that the LPAC find a candidate to run for Assembly District 14.
New Action Items:
(7 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
The action items are either noted above with bolded text or are in above motions.
Upcoming Meetings Schedule:
(5 Minutes, Lead: Mr. Ferrero)
Motion - Theodore Gercken moved to set the next meeting for May 13 at 7:30 PM at a location to be determined by the executive committee at a later date and to set two additional meetings at June 10 at a location to be determined by the executive committee at a later date and July 14 at 7:30 pm at Monaghans in Oakland.
The new meetings were scheduled with unanimous consent.
Mr. Ferrero adjourned the meeting with unanimous consent at 9:08 PM.