April 2020 - Meeting Minutes

Libertarian Party of Alameda County

Online Business Meeting -  April 9, 2020


Present: Michelle Ellison, Jim Eyer, Betz Stump, Terry Floyd, John Ferrero, Richard Fast, Calvin Lu, Joe Dehn,


Meeting called to order at 7:21 p.m. 04/09/2020 by Chair Ferrero


Chair’s Report: John reported that the LNC had a teleconference concerning the national convention and whether or not it would proceed. Daniel Fishman has scheduled a meeting on April 20 to address the final decision. Richard Fast was selected as an alternate At-Large member of the LPC Executive Committee.


Treasurers Report: Michelle Ellison provided the following report

Our current Mechanics Bank account balance is $3,408.88

  • Includes LPC Dues sharing for second half of 2019 (deposited 3/16)

Outstanding Expense Reimbursement to be Approved

  • Michelle Ellison $472.98 (Fall 2019 Event Supplies)

Wine & Liberty $323.12, Booth Table Linens $60.70

Lady Liberty Costume $46.22, LPAC Banner $42.94

Need to Develop ‘Full’ Expense Budget for 2020

  • Known 2020 Expenses (estimated)
    • Website Domain Renewal (June 17th– est. $39.99)
    • NationBuilder Renewal (July 31st– est. $570)
    • Mailbox Renewal (November 24th– est. $200)
  • NEED from BETZ: updated schedule of event fees/supplies budget
  • NEED from JIM: estimated collateral printing costs/timing
  • Other anticipated/requested expenses?

FPPC Compliance: reminder that we need to be diligent in tracking any official LPAC expenditures/fundraising related to 2020 Elections.

That’s all for now…Michelle Ellison, LPAC Treasurer

John moved to reimburse Michelle. Jim seconded motion to reimburse Michelle, passed without objection.


Betz Stump reported that the Dublin St. Patrick’s Day festival payment was refunded. July 11 Art & Soul Festival may not happen this summer. Pride may still happen in September. Booth fees could be from $700-$775 for both Art & Soul and Pride booths.


The LPAC Facebook page has 376 likes and 393 followers for LPAC page. Webpage has been updated with the 2018 National Platform and the current LPAC bylaws. Peter Schoewe was listed under at large, but has been moved to a dedicated tab for activities. When the coronavirus pandemic subsides, our business meetings will be held at Ricky’s Sports Lounge in San Leandro, still on the second Thursday of each month until further notice. Our July meeting is booked at Ricky’s. Will we have a business meeting on Thursday October 8 with Wine & Liberty on Sunday October 11? With this being an election year, we need to have a good turnout for this event. Henceforth quarterly business meetings will be held at Ricky’s when they are allowed to re-open.


John requested that Richard Fast be added to the website and given access to update the website. Ken DeLong needs to be added to the [email protected] shared mailbox. Jim Eyer will add Richard and Ken to the exec list. Ken would continue as Webmaster and Richard would be a content editor on the page.


Richard then spoke about our LPAC Bylaws. Richard’s three proposals are attached and were debated at length. Proposals will be further reviewed and put to a vote at our next business meeting. Jim moved to put proposal 3 on the agenda for the next business meeting. Jamie moved to create the committee, Betz seconded. John called for a vote to create a bylaws subcommittee to address the proposals. Passed unanimously. People interested in serving on the committee should contact Jim Eyer.


Jamie Dluzak, our candidate for the 9th State Senate District updated the committee on the progress of the campaign. John Ferrero is serving as Chair of the campaign, Calvin Lu is treasurer and Terry Floyd is assistant treasurer. Two newsletters have been published, one before the March 3 primary and one after Jamie’s nomination was validated. John sees the campaign as an opportunity to grow the party by presenting a great candidate to the voters and improving our branding strategy. The campaign bank account is moving forward. Jamie will be scheduling more teleconference meetings to push things through the rest of the month so we can get a running start on May activities.


John suggests we adjourn for tonight and resume campaign business on a dedicated meeting on Sunday afternoon, April 12 using Richard’s Free Conference Call account.


Jim Eyer moved to adjourn seconded by Betz and adjourned without objection at 8:37 p.m.